


In the book, “Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed For Men” by Caroline Criado Pérez,the author examined the lack of gender accountability in the standardisation in data, and discovered that this default treatment of men as the standard for influencing crucial life-changing decisions such as economic development, healthcare, education, public policies, have left women disadvantaged—in terms of time, money and sometimes their lives in both private and public spheres.

Inspired by the exposure of gender inequality through data, I wanted to explore the concept of these separate spheres by examining traditional gendered spaces in Singapore, specifically during 1950s-1980s as that was when the nation was developing and burgeoning into its own identity, no doubt establishing its version of private and public spheres that may have been influenced by gendered spaces as mentioned by Pérez in her book.

Research, Copywriting, Art Direction, Visual Design, Editorial
LASALLE College of The Arts

This was interpreted through the purposeful erasure of people from archived photos of physical spaces in Singapore, as the concept of gendered spaces can be observed in these spaces commonlyassociated with each gender.

Art Direction

The book’s form is designed to mimic the form of the slide tray from carousel slide projectors that was also created around that period in time, as it was an older format of reviewing photographs and used traditionally for communal entertainment before motion picture films.

Pink and blue threads were used to bind the book, representative of the colours usually associated with the genders, and the book can be read from any spread as without a linear narrative, to reflect the innumerable and unnoticed gendered spaces present in our society.

